Saturday, March 26, 2011

Culture Trip to Daegaya History Park - 3-25-11

All of the language classes were able to attend the field trip to the Daegaya History park and then go to a small town that is famous for it's strawberries.

The park was quite interesting and had a lot of very colorful exhibits. The weather was crystal clear but with a very strong cold wind. Spring is closing in but not quite here yet. I'm anxious for it to warm up and see all the cherry blossoms.

After visiting the history park we were treated to a traditional Korean lunch and honestly I have no idea what I ate but "most" of it was tasty! The Koreans really like their hot spices. Some of the food actually made my eyes water just smelling it. I've learned that if there is anything "red" in the food to shy away from it. However, they managed to trick me with what I thought was a sea weed patty. Green and white and hotter than the blazes of hell. I think the Korean students around us were having a great time watching me self destruct on that part of lunch.

The strawberry part of the trip was great! Plump juicy red strawberries and it was a all you can eat while you pick sort of affair. It got to the point I quit taking pictures due to my hands being sticky and red with strawberry juice. My teacher was laughing like crazy when she noticed the plastic container they gave us to take strawberries back with us was so heaped up with strawberries that there was no way I could close it. I explained to her I was taking extra back to give to another student in our class who was unable to attend. This morning he stopped by my room and I surprised him with the fresh strawberries and he tore into them. He is from Pakistan and was very appreciative of the berries.

Today was a day to rest and do some studying. Tomorrow I am to meet with my assigned "Korean Buddy" and do school work. So much for a relaxing Sunday.

Until next time stay healthy and safe. I'm missing my place back home. There truly no place like home. Enjoy!

Having lunch with Caitlin and Cara from Clarion Univ.

E Young Ju - My favorite teacher

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