Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wednesday March 2nd

Today Cara and I met with the Director of International Students and filled in the paperwork for our Korean Bank accounts and talked about the different classes that are available to us. I opted for the Language program and an additional Korean Culture class which should be really interesting. Cara and I were then given a tour of the main museum for the University and was very impressed by the beautiful carvings and pieces in the museum. There is a section on the International Program and there was items from different US universities in Michigan, Wisconsin, Florida and more but nothing from Clarion! Going to have to work on that and get something sent to have in their showcase!

We had time to walk around and explore the campus some more before we headed back to the admin building. It was a beautiful sunny but very windy day. Cold enough to cause your fingers to burn.

So far my biggest worry is starving to death before learning Korean. Everything I have tried to this point but one meal has had seaweed soup with it and stuck in the stuff in the bowl was a fiery red pepper sauce. I think they keep hiding a big gob of it under the different unknown stuff that I'm to eat just to get to me! Even a picnh of the stuff will bring tears to your eyes.

So for fun you can guess what this item is in the cafeteria. There are two of them near the water coolers we fill our glasses from - next to a big mirror. Let's see who can figure it out first!

Time to get on my school work! Hope your day is a great one! I am having coffee withdrawals! OK, missing fried chicken, ribs, and needless to say seriously missing BACON!!!